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Natural Ways to Improve Digestive Health

Natural ways to improve digestion

Gastrointestinal (GI) health is fundamental to overall wellness. The GI tract, also known as the “gut,” allows us to draw nourishment from our food and eliminate toxins. A variety of medications claim to promote intestinal health, but I prefer my own eight-step natural approach, which is both inexpensive and easy to follow. Add one new […]

Is it candida?

Is it candida?

Candida albicans is a yeast/fungus that lives within all humans. Known as a commensal microorganism, in good times, candida happily goes about its yeasty little life causing us no trouble at all. It’s when Candida gets too big for its own boots, expanding its fungal empire, symptoms appear. ⠀⠀ So is it candida? Symptoms are […]

Ayurveda for gut health

Ayurveda for gut health

Ayurveda balances our environment, body, mind, and spirit with daily and seasonal guidelines for diet, behaviour and lifestyle choices. In Ayurveda, health isn’t the absence of symptoms – it’s the presence of happiness.