I love learning and using plants. Moving to New Zealand gave me the perfect opportunity to learn the NZ Native Plants and how to use them. This is a really special experience for me. I hope that you find this useful to your own discovery and love of plant medicine.
Kawakawa (Piper excelsum)
The fruit, bark, and leaves of Kawakawa all have medicinal properties that have long been treasured.
Commonly known as the New Zealand Peppertree and is one of the most important healing herbs in Rangoa Maori (Traditional Maori Medicine).
Traditionally used for stomach ailments, bladder problems and chewed for tooth aches.
It’s one of my go to herbs for digestive conditions to relieve bloating, abdominal cramps & spasms, dyspepsia, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.
Kumarahou (Pomedarris kumarahou)
This plant is for the respirtaory system – traditionally used to support healing of lung infections, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and emphysema.
It acts on the body through its ability to remove mucus from the respiratory system and restore normal function.
Spirtually it brings joy and abundance. It is known to be the first plant to grow after a fire.
Did you know the flowers can be used as a natural soap, just grab some flowers and rub your hands together.
Purriri (Vitex lucens)
The wood of this tree is a super hard wood, known for its strength throught NZ.
Medicinally, Purriri is great for pain relief. An infusion of the leaves in a bath is used to reduce strains and pains in the body.
Internally the leaves are for ulcers, sore throats and headaches.
For the spirit, we are taught the power of discernment and supports life choices.
Red matipo (Myrsine Australis)
The juice of the bark and the leaves were traditionally drunk to help cleanse the walls of veins for integrity and removal of plaque.
This means that there is cardiovascular properties.
Scientific analysis of red matipo leaves shows glucorinic acid which is known as a treatment of arthritis.
Red matipo teaches us to call our soul back to where it belongs. If a soul experiences trauma the Tohunga (sharman) would call the soul back to be settled.
Please Note: NZ Native Plants and how to use is a blog post for interest and educational purposes only. If you would like to discuss your health using herbal medicine please book in for a consultation or discuss the use of herbal medicine with a trusted health professional who is qualified in herbal medicine.